white space grows community

Today is the very last day of October and so our last day of the Write31Day challenge.

It has been adventurous and challenging for me. I had so much to learn and the daily discipline was good for my soul and my writing. I never wanted to miss a single day!

Thank you for coming along to explore white space {create space for soul keeping}. I don’t know if you realize it, but we did this together, reader and writer. I was writing to you every time I put pen to paper or my finger struck a key. I was thinking of just how I could show you what was in my heart with every click of the camera. I was trying to dig a little deeper and make room for Jesus settle into my soul.

In his book All Things New Henri Nouwen says,

In true community, we are windows constantly offering each other views on the mystery of God’s presence in our lives.

Windows. That is we can be for each other. Windowsills in the light and window seats on rainy days; still, cozy, connected and anchored in the Holy and the Humble.

I am an avid reader and I love nothing more than a tall stack of books by my bedside to read to my little heart’s content. I was fed by Scripture above all and that breathed on by the Holy Ghost like these blustery October days. I read many good books that helped me see through others' windows what soul keeping means.

Here are my stacks of books for exploring soul keeping.


Even as I slow down my postings now and welcome November, I will be writing everyday. It has been a sweet time for my soul. I feel as though I have taken new territory for my soul.

Being still, listening, slowing down, getting alone with God, un-hurrying my hurried self has opened a starry sky in my soul for Christ.

I will continue to pay attention to the fingerprints of our Maker to share with you.

Windows see both ways. I'd love to hear from you! What are your little and big ways you turn your face towards the Light of the world? How do you make a clearing in your life and this world to meet The Holy and keep your soul?

Banner photo by Ryan Conlin.


Things I Learned in October


white space holds the story