Spiritual Direction
“Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life”.
Psalm 23:6
How are you tending your soul?
Spiritual direction is the act of paying attention to God, calling attention to God, being attentive to God in a person or circumstances or situation . . . It notices the Invisibilities in and beneath and around the Visibilities, It listens for the Silences between the spoken Sounds.
– Eugene Peterson
Spiritual Direction
Slowing down in a hurried world to attend God’s loving call to your Christ-shaped heart.
That is what we are doing when we sit down together in spiritual direction with the Holy Spirit as Director moving creatively between us.
Our deep life is hidden below the surface until we give it room to breathe, be named, and come into view. We will notice together how and where God is already at work and play in your everyday life.
I practice a contemplative model of spiritual direction using your narrative and personality, creative forms of prayer, and generous listening.
I enjoy creating space for you and your friendship with Christ to flourish honestly and at your pace in any season of life or faith. My prayer is for trust, resilience, and delight to grow between you and Trinity God and spill out into the world.

Explore spiritual direction.
Spiritual direction sessions are one-to-one appointments once per month for 55 minutes each. Fee: $75 each/$50 for seminary students.
If you would like to explore spiritual direction with a first-time complimentary mini-session to meet, ask questions, and determine next steps, please contact me and let’s find a time together.