Supervision for spiritual directors

Contemplative space for spiritual directors to grow in grace and resilience that flows into their companions.

from microscope to kaleidoscope to holy imagination

I used to imagine supervision as a microscope where I was being inspected for misses and mistakes made during a particular spiritual direction session. Even though I knew I needed another witness to help me hold my directee compassionately, tenderly, honestly, I arrived guarded and defensive. My view was limited, my heart afraid. It was not an easy posture for welcoming grace, inner growth or professional development.

With such a posture, it is natural to avoid supervision.

But my posture opened up as my supervisor expressed trust in Christ living in me and the space I had already held for those I companion. We weren’t looking for “getting things right”. We were looking for compassion and roominess and we were looking together. Her generous hospitality helped me relax my guardedness and look around with a more smiling eye. I was discovering God’s loving eye on me. I could see hidden colors and patterns with room for welcoming my mistakes and growth. I sensed fresh insight and warm fires in myself and as a result, new possibilities for deeper hospitality for my directee.

I felt a shift in my experience from being under a microscope to seeing through a kaleidoscope.


kaleidoscope = Greek kalos = beautiful + Greek eidos = form + English scope = view, sweep or range.

A kaleidoscope is a “beautiful shape viewer” with many possibilities and patterns when turned in the light.

The deeply tender, hidden, colorful, sometimes painful awareness that comes into view as directors bring themselves and their companion relationship into supervision is a process that can flow beyond the contemplative moment.

turning our view over in the light of Christ

I have come to see supervision with kaleidoscope eyes as a lively part of my practice as a spiritual director.

I have grown personally and professionally partnering with a compassionate witness to myself and my directee in the presence of the Spirit. One-to-one supervision has provided space for practicing self-reflection, vulnerability, valuable skill-building, and celebrations of deepening spiritual relationships. Having discovered supervision as a beautiful shape viewer for myself, I offer it to you for your growth and care as a spiritual director and a grace to those you companion.


May we say with Hagar, Truly here I have seen him who looks after me.

“I seek this day an active wonder. The awareness of the unexplored and the untried until I find my way into their secret places, this I need and I seek. Teach me this day to expose to Your scrutiny, my Father, the frayed edges of my aliveness until they are renewed and freshened by Your Healing and Your Love.”

— Howard Thurman

Supervision for spiritual directors.

I offer supervision for spiritual directors as a one-to-one session exploring together a lingering snapshot of a session that needs more attention. It is my intent to host a contemplative, evocative space for you to discover particular places that need tending, growth or clarity.

I offer one hour sessions at your rhythm (60, 90 or 120 days) for $85 each and a student rate of $60.